What would happen if the Psalmist who wrote Psalm 42 (NASB version) went to a biblical counselor of the type I have consulted?
Do You Know God and His Good News?
Do you know God? If so, what is your God like? How do you know this God? What difference does knowing your God make in your life? Do you have a relationship with this God? Will this relationship last into eternity?
God is One True, Holy, and Loving Creator
Through the ages, there have been many ideas about God, and many different ways that people have tried to discover God. However, God clearly revealed himself at the dawn of history. Through his creation, he revealed who he is, and what he is like. In addition, God has revealed himself by speaking to mankind. This verbal revelation is recorded in his Word, also called the Bible. In his Word, he has told us that he is a personal Spirit and that in him are found absolutely perfect wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. He has also told us that he is infinite and eternal, and unchanging in his nature (Jn 4:24; Job 11:7; Ps. 90:2; Ex. 3:14; Ps. 147:5; Rev. 4:8; Ex. 34:6).
By observing creation, we can know that God is invisible, all-powerful, and all-wise (Romans 1:19ff; 16:27). He is the perfect, caring Creator and we are his creatures, made by him.
This God is the only true God of the universe and is complete in himself (needing nothing or no one for himself), and he is infinite in his dimensions. An ancient man Moses learned this when he asked God his name and God replied, “I Am that I Am.”
What else do we know about this Person? We know that he is holy. This means he is perfect and morally pure, and quite different from all his creation and creatures (Exodus 15:11; Psalm 99:9; Isaiah 6:3). Being holy means that he is the standard of all that is right, good, and just. When God created the universe and everything in it, it was “very good” (Genesis 1:31). His Word tells us that he can have a relationship only with creatures that are as holy as he is. He wants his people to be holy, just as he is holy (Leviticus 11:45; I Peter 1:16). He has said that without holiness no one can be in his presence, either on earth or in heaven (Hebrews 12:14).
Because of this requirement of man to be holy in order to come before God, the question has often been asked throughout history: “Who is able to stand before this holy Lord God?” (I Samuel 6:20). Or in other words, how can I come to God?
But, A Terrible Thing Happened One Day…
In the beginning of history when God created mankind as male (Adam) and female (Eve) they were a perfect creation. They were made in his image with original knowledge, righteousness and holiness. God and his people were able to have a free, great, open and loving relationship with one another. But a terrible thing happened one day - that wonderful relationship with God was broken (Genesis 1:27, 28; Colossians 3:10).
You see Adam and Eve were given a test. Would they believe God when he spoke to them, live morally excellent lives and use their empowerment to do what was right? Would they think God’s thoughts, offer themselves as loving friends and servants to God, and be faithful stewards over God’s creation? Would they pass the test of being perfectly obedient to God?
Sadly, in their free will, they failed God’s test. How? By consciously and actively disbelieving God and disobeying his direct command (Genesis 2-3). They fell out of that perfect condition in which they had been created by defying and rebelling against God - they sinned against Him.
Now, their status was horribly changed. They became separated from God! This separation is called death. They became spiritually separated, socially separated and eventually physically separated. And not only were they separated from God, but they were also separated from each other! Their perfect knowledge turned to moral ignorance, and instead of being righteous, they became sinful. Instead of being holy they became guilty. God had created a people to love, but those people had rejected Him. Now they were indebted to God for all He had done, and because of all they had failed to live up to.
In addition, not only were they separated from God and each other but also their basic nature had become corrupted. Like a perpetual and horrible poison, this corruption polluted them with sin, a pollution that has been passed from generation to generation. Because of this all humans born since Adam and Eve have sin in their natures. Because of their sin-tainted natures, all humans commit sin and often do evil things. They can neither obey nor conform to God’s perfect and holy standard in any way. All fall short of God’s holy perfection and requirement (Romans 3:23). This in not to say that people are always as bad as they could be, though some are certainly more wicked than others. However, the standard by which all people are to be judged is not how they compare with other people, but how they compare with a holy and perfect God.
So, God Solved the Problem
Did God leave all of mankind to die in their sin and misery? The answer is no! Because of who God is (just and righteous, but also loving, gracious and merciful), he desired to restore a holy, loving relationship with people. He determined to have a people for himself free from their sin and misery, so he accomplished this by paying the debt they owed him (Romans 6:23) and buying them back from the captivity of sin and guilt.
How did He do this? He did this by sending his Son from heaven. His Son was equal in essence to God because He too is God. But before this Son could pay the price of the debt owed he had to become human. To do this, he came down to his created planet and took on a human form (Philippians 2). God’s Son was miraculously conceived by the power of God’s Holy Spirit in the virgin womb of a young woman named Mary (Luke 1:31). He was named Jesus, born flawless, without sin, and lived a sinless life on earth (John 8:46; Hebrews 7:25).
Because Jesus was a man he could live a sinless life for his people. He could know their temptations and have true empathy. As a sinless man, he was the perfect one to atone for them (to make it possible for man and woman to once again be at one with God). He was the perfect savior. Just as it had been predicted hundreds, even thousands of years before, this savior paid the ultimate penalty for God’s people. To pay the penalty for the treason and rebellion of his people, Jesus died upon the cross. Because he was both man and God this act was sufficient to pay the penalty in full (John 19:30) and the entire debt of his people was taken care of (Matthew 28:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; John 19:38-41; Romans 3:25f; I Timothy 1:15)!
Because Jesus is God, his death has unlimited value. Because God is God, he was able to bear the fierce anger of a righteous God who fiercely hates sin. Because he is God, Jesus is able to keep on applying all the great benefits to his people forever and forever (Psalm 49:7).
God was pleased with Jesus’ work (his sinless, obedient life and payment of the debt by death). We know God accepted Jesus’ work because he raised Jesus up from the dead three days after his death with a new body (Matthew 28:1-15; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20). Jesus then ministered to his followers on earth for many days. Then, after parting words of instruction and comfort, Jesus rose up into the heavens. Over five hundred eyewitnesses observed this event (John 20; I Corinthians 15) and God’s Word tells us he is now seated at the right hand of his Father where he intercedes (a spiritual and legal advocate) for His people.
All religions have their founders, but none have died for sinful men. All religions have their founders, but none live today. Jesus the savior (Christ) is the exception! Only Jesus Christ can save individuals. That means only he can bring sinful creatures out of their sin and misery and into a new life and new relationship with God. This hope is found in no one else because “there is no other name under heaven given to men by which they must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Now, God is Calling You!
As a human creature, you are lost (Romans 3:10-12; Isaiah 53:6). You are a sinner by nature and by choice. Hard to believe? Just look at what God requires of you to be holy. Read his law in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. God requires perfect conformity and obedience to his law, not only in outward actions but also in the attitude and motives of your heart. In fact, God requires you to love him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might (Deuteronomy 6:4-6; 10:12-13) all the time! If that were not enough, he also demands that you love others as you love yourself (Leviticus 19:18). You are in need of salvation, and in your heart of hearts, you know it. Salvation is not automatically given to anyone. It is offered to all, but only those who believe and receive it will actually be saved.
God is good and he graciously invites you to receive the salvation that is offered in Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19; 22:14; Acts 13:46). He deeply desires that you accept his invitation and receive the promise of eternal life (Isaiah 1:18-20; Matthew 23:37; I Timothy 2:3-5).
How do you accept this call? By true faith. What is true faith? True faith is more than a mere mental agreement to the truth of the historical facts about Jesus. True faith centers in the person and in the work of Jesus Christ. It is a saving grace, whereby you receive and rest upon Jesus Christ alone for salvation, just as he is offered to you in this Good News (John 1:12; Isaiah 33:22). True faith is a grace that gives you the ability to turn from your path of sin, death, and misery leading away from God, and to turn completely around to a direction that leads into His loving arms.
How would you know if you have true faith? By grace, you will have a genuine sense of your sin (Acts 2:37). This will grieve you and make you hate your condition. By grace also you will have an understanding of God’s mercy for you (Joel 2:13). True faith will turn you from desiring to sin, and turn you to God with a wholehearted intention of striving to love and obey Him (Jeremiah 31:18; Psalm 119:59).
When you confess you are a sinner, that you need Jesus Christ to save you from your sin, God is faithful to forgive you from your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-10). At that time He applies Jesus Christ’s work to you, forgiving you of your sins and giving to you his righteousness (Romans 5:19; 10:4; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Philippians 3:8-11). Because of that work you can come into the presence of a holy God forever.
Certainly, you will struggle at times, but overall your heart will be inclined toward God, and you will desire to know him and love and obey him. You will know him and grow in your new relationship with him if you indeed have trusted him.
Right now, if you haven’t already done so, answer his call. You are helpless to save yourself, to have a relationship with God, or to spend an eternity in heaven without coming to Jesus Christ. “Whoever puts his faith in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see that life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:26). Answer God’s call by admitting to him in prayer that you are a sinner and that you do sin, but that you also desire to trust and believe in Jesus Christ who has paid for your sins. Tell him you want to come to him, and to have that abundant life that lasts into eternity, the life that Jesus offers (John 10:10-28; 14:6). Now, that is great news!
To learn more, read the Gospel of Mark or the Gospel of John in the Bible. If you still seek additional help feel free to contact me. May God give you a great new life today!